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What Gets Fed Flourishes

Updated: Jun 26, 2019

What we feed grows and becomes something powerful. Putting our values and priorities first in our lives lets us live the life we wish for. I have been told that when I feel too busy that I am probably busy on things I shouldn't be busy with. When we are focused on priorities in our heart, mind, body, and soul we tend to feel very satisfied with how we are spending our time and experience greater joy in life. Balancing life really means that we stop juggling our life. People who are good at saying no to quadrants three and four do a great job filling their time in quadrant two and are able to handle quadrant one episodes.

In last week's habit, we talked about beginning with the end in mind. When we plan our week to the best of our knowledge, we tend to be at peace when saying no to opportunities that interrupt our plans. This is exactly what the word discipline means: to learn and habituate behaviors. Using a planning tool clarifies and maps how we want to spend our time. It gives us a pathway that leads to a healthier lifestyle: heart, mind, body, and soul.  Take time this week to review each area of your child's life--heart, mind, body, and soul--and ask if there is enough time and effort placed on the things throughout the week.

  • Heart - relationships 

  • Mind - academic success

  • Body - sleep, diet, & exercise/play

  • Soul - music & spiritual/personal development

Key Concepts from The Leader in Me Curriculum

  • Focus on your highest Priorities (Quadrant 2)

  • Eliminate the unimportant (Quadrant 3 & 4)

  • Plan your week.

  • Stay true to your big rocks. 

Learning Links

Growing Great Kids Webinar - The Leader In Me

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